TOPOGRAPHY The Big City is a liminal instance inside an infinite number of realities. It has no definite dimensions and the features within it may vary, though some are, in fact, unchangeable. Inhabitants of the Big City know in every moment what the city map is, even when the city changes. Visitors on the other hand, do not. An inhabitant of a determinate instance know he is one by instinct. Being a partially oneiric world, some things are simply there without explanation, and can disappear the same way, as it happens in dreams. The Big City borders with other instances, and people is free to travel from instance to instance anytime, this world is free (but not free of risks). SOCIETY The Big City inhabitants are sentient animals. They may shift their appearance from full quadrupedal to bipedal with hands, at their will. Sentient animals are all vertebrates, though it's not sure if fishes are sentient. In doubt, they're excluded from being food. The only source of animal prot...